
Not available
Not available
Game Design:
Dale Yu, Eugene van der Pijll, Felix Girke, Geoff Burkman, Hanno Girke & John Kennard
Dale Yu, Eugene van der Pijll, Felix Girke, Geoff Burkman, Hanno Girke & John Kennard
Rules & Development:
Dale Yu, Eugene van der Pijll, Felix Girke, Geoff Burkman, Hanno Girke & John Kennard
Dale Yu, Eugene van der Pijll, Felix Girke, Geoff Burkman, Hanno Girke & John Kennard
Release Year:
24 cards & 1 rule book
24 cards & 1 rule book

This is an expansion! In order to play it, you will need the base game.
When farmers are done with their daily tasks and gather around the warmth of their hearth, stories are told of revenants and werewolves, unicorns, witches, faeries, and other creatures of the wood. And those who have to go into the forest the next day to fell some trees might remember some of the old stories... and shudder. The Legen*dairy Forest Deck consists of 24 cards which expands the base game Agricola. The game takes a lighthearted look at fairy tales, movies, and books that involve the forest and applies those story ideas to the Agricola universe.
Can I use this expansion with the revised edition of Agricola?
Yes-ish. The revised edition uses unified phrasing, reworked cards and a modernized graphics design to deliver a more consistent and overall better (at least in our opinion) game flow and feel. Mixing old and new version parts therefore might create problems. Nonetheless, the overall mechanics of the game haven't changed, giving people with an advanced understanding on how the game works the possibility to "ignore" these problems; at least to a certain extent. However, we only recommend mixing old and revised edition for such "professionals".