Cover: Patterns - A Mandala Game

Santa is bearer of good news: At SPIEL'23 you were able to play Patterns - A Mandala Game, the second installment in the Mandala series by Trevor Benjamin and Brett J. Gilbert. Next week, this tight area control for two will finally be available in Germany and Austria!

Like it’s award-winning predecessor Mandala, each game challenges anew. This is not an issue, because Patterns - A Mandala Game

  • is quickly set up
  • is explained in less than five minutes
  • plays very fast!

Are you up for a match? Let’s meet under the Christmas tree...


Cover (German): Neues vom Ausguck - Ausgabe Nr. 20

German issue No. 20 of Lookout's customer magazine, Neues vom Ausguck - Ausgabe Nr. 20, was released at SPIEL'23 . It’s filled to the brim with background information on Forest Shuffle, an interview with Kosch, more background stories as well as brand new objective cards and a solo mode for Tipperary, our new family game by Günter Burkhardt.

The magazine is only available in German, but free download files of the objective cards and solo mode in English are available here:

Neues vom Ausguck - Ausgabe Nr. 20


It's that time of year again: the Lookout team will be taking a break over the holidays to recover and recharge their batteries for new endeavors. We will therefore not be available from December 15th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024.

The replacement parts service will be closed from December 8th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024. We will be happy to process your emails and inquiries right after the winter break: Our colleagues will be at your disposal again, starting with January 2nd, 2024!

Front of Lookout's 2023 Christmas card. A blue glowing ghost-like character (called Eppi) is standing in a snowy forest. Above the following is written: We wish you a Merry Christmas and an Eppi New Year! Back of Lookout's 2023 Christmas card. It's showing Eppi with a Christmas hat and the following is written: The entire Lookout Team wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024!

Eppi - An interactive adventure book

This ghostly fellow will start it's adventures early 2024: The new interactive adventure book EPPI is great fun! Designer Felicitas Pommering created a fantastic story with twists, highs and... you know what? Have a look for yourself in early 2024

We wish you a merry Christmas, happy guests (and maybe a game or two...). See you all safe and sound in 2024!

Wishing you a happy new year and keep on playing
The Lookout Team

Spiel'23 is gonna be great


Lookout @ Essen SPIEL'23

Let’s see what we are hauling in for Essen SPIEL'23 from October 5th to 9th:

Cover: Mischwald Cover: Patterns - A Mandala Game Cover: Tipperary Cover: High Season - A Grand Hotel Roll & Write

Things are changing, even for the world’s biggest boardgame convention. So, you will find this year's Lookout novelties right in the family area in Hall 6. In addition, you will find us in Hall 3 - together with our partner HÜNE gaming tables .


Hall plan with markings where the boothes are.

In Hall 6-D102 we have lots of game tables (German only!) where you can play Forest Shuffle (the fabulous card game from KOSCH), Patterns: A Mandala Game and Tipperary.

In Hall 3-D110 (next to booth B109) you can play High Season - A Grand Austria Roll & Write (German only!).

In Hall 3-B109, our promoters will be waiting for you at HÜNE gaming tables to explain Forest Shuffle in English! We will also have English display copies of Patterns: A Mandala Game, Tipperary and High Season - A Grand Austria Roll & Write available.

Make sure you get a seat at our demo tables!


Do you like Forest Shuffle? Then, thanks to Asmodee, you can purchase copies for the first time directly at the booth in Hall 6-D102 (German only)!

More German copies are available in the Asmodee Shop in Hall 3-D110, English copies are available directly from Lookout in Hall 3-B109 (these boothes are next to each other)!

Forest Shuffle, the cuddly Forest Shuffle plushies and the Agricola (Revised Edition): Ephipparius Deck will be available at the Lookout Shop in Hall 3, as is a brand new Neues vom Ausguck - Ausgabe 20 magazine (German only). As long stock lasts. Be on the lookout for our big orange Mega-Meeple!

Unfortunately, Patterns: A Mandala Game and High Season - A Grand Austria Roll & Write will only be available as display / for demoing and hit the stores later this year.

Check in with our social media for updates!


Kosch - Designer of Forest Shuffle

Meet this friendly guy, Kosch, the mastermind behind Forest Shuffle and get your copy signed hot off the press:

  • Friday, 11:00 a.m. – Hall 6-D102
  • Friday, 01:00 p.m. – Hall 3-B109

%%% Warehouse sale - Everything must go %%%

Advertisment for the Lookout warehouse sale in hall3, booth B109

Closing a webshop doesn't mean your warehouse is empty. You missed the sale from the Lookout webshop this spring? Then this is your chance!

Demo games, rare copies of former Lookout titles, returns, demo games, original packaging, goodies, promos and whatever other treasures we've found in the Lookout warehouse: we'll bring them all to SPIEL'23 .

Hall 3-B109 only!!!

Starting at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, our fabulous team will be ready for you. So you better be quick.

Note: Thanks for your understanding that Lookout cannot give any information about the type and number of available games in advance. The same applies to the sale: no pre-orders, no reservations. As long stock lasts!

Bye, bye, Lookout Webshop!

You can see a part of a medieval house with a door and a window. A woman is standing in the window and waving good bye with a tissue in her hand. Above the door is Webshop written. A sign showing Closed is attached to it. The lower left corner shows the words Sorry we are closed and the lower right corner shows the Lookout logo.

Since 2022, the Lookout team is focusing exclusively on developing and publishing new games for you. Therefore, our online shop was closed on June 30th 2023.

Asmodee is handling our distribution, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland since January 2022. All current Lookout games are now only available in your FLGS, this also applies to all new releases. So check in with your FLGS for #newsfromthelookout regularly.

Orders placed before the closing will still be processed, obviously. If you haven't got a order confirmation (already checked your Spam folder?), please contact our service team!

Lookouts spare parts service is still available. Please use our contact form to open replacement part tickets with us:


The Lookout team



Cover: Forest Shuffle

Experience the miracles of the forest in this clever card game. In Forest Shuffle, 2-5 players compete in gathering the most valuable trees and attract species, thus creating an ecological balanced habitat for flora and fauna.

Forest Shuffle by rising young German designer KOSCH draws you in with multifunctional cards, sporting stunning illustrations by artists Toni Llobet and Judit Piella. Both experts in wildlife illustration and naturalism, their artistic touch adds to the game play tremendously.

3D version of the Forest Shuffle box Four spread out example cards from the game Forest Shuffle

Ideal for seasoned board game lovers, occasional players, families as well as art and nature lovers, with its simple yet intriguing gameplay and multifunctional cards, this one can be played again and again.

As our Head of Studio put it so nicely: “Forest Shuffle is the next best thing to walking in the woods!”

A green forest in the background with the Lookout Greenline logo in front


With this card game we don't just take you into the forest - Forest Shuffle is the first game of our new Lookout Greenline, whose products are produced exclusively on FSC certified paper and are completely plastic-free.


First edition of Forest Shuffle will be available in English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Polish, Hungarian and is scheduled for global release October 2023 at Essen SPIEL'23 (English and German copies). For those heading to Gen Con this August: Asmodee North America is hosting demo tables and might have the first pre-release copies for you...

Let's set up a forest, then.

Introducing: Lookout Greenline

A picture of a green forest in the background with the new Lookout Greenline logo in front.

World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic waste matters.

If you know Lookout, you also know that we rely on sustainable raw materials when producing our board games. For years, we’ve primarily used cardboard, paper, and wooden components, as well as water-soluble inks that meet the highest standards. Together with our partners, we aim to consistently do better. As of 2022, we try to have all cards included in our games wrapped in paper instead of cellophane.

Today, Lookout Games is going one step further. This summer we will present the first in a line of games that do not use any plastic at all! Lookout games sporting the Greenline label will be produced with FSC® certified paper and the box enclosure will be sealed with a small sticky paper seal instead of shrink wrap.

News on this series will be revealed later this June. Stay tune!

Go green!
the Lookout team