Forest Shuffle

Game Design:
Toni Llobet, Judit Piella
Toni Llobet, Judit Piella
Rules & Development:
Maren Holderbaum
Maren Holderbaum
Release Year:
180 cards, 1 gaming board, 1 rule book, 1 score pad
180 cards, 1 gaming board, 1 rule book, 1 score pad

NOT A TOY! Choking hazard. Not suitable for children under three years.
The new stand-alone in the Forest Shuffle universe!
Forest Shuffle has taken you to the European mixed forest. Now it's about time to discover more of this beautiful planet.Dartmoor and Dartmoor National Park:
Dartmoor is an upland area in southern Devon, South West England. The moor and heathland landscape is home to countless species. Overall, the moor stores masses of water in the peat, while numerous rivers and waterfalls provide a pleasant, humid climate. The moorland and sourrounding area is protected by National Park status since 1951. Dartmoor National Park is managed by Dartmoor National Park Authority.
Are there differences to the original Forest Shuffle?
The game mechanics remain unchanged: You pick up two (beautifully illustrated, btw.) cards or play a card into your moorscape. Players compete in gathering the most valuable trees, shrubs and terrain cards - to attract species, thus creating an ecological balanced habitat for flora and fauna.But we wouldn't be Lookout if we didn't add completely new twists to the new habitat!
Forest Shuffle: Dartmoor offers several alterations:
- a new type of card comes into play with terrains: this provides variety
- terrain cards (unlike trees and shrubs) are played horizontally. They clearly serve as a livelihood or feeding ground for a different kind of species than trees or shrubs.
- new species with very own abilities and bonus actions
- caves come with assymetrical starting conditions and are drafted at the beginning
- reduction to 6 (instead of 8) tree symbols to enable bonuses more easily
Open the next chapter with this award winning card game!

3D cover, preview material

eco friendly production
When will Forest Shuffle: Dartmoor be available?
This new stand-alone from the Forest Shuffle universe will be release at SPIEL 2025 this October. Stay tuned for your FLGS to take preorders!
More cards to shuffle into my forest! Can I mix both stand-alones, Forest Shuffle and Forest Shuffle: Dartmoor?
That is an excellent question. You could, but we don't recommend that you do.
First of all, the bog cards require a different approach (= big and small game avoids the bog, so cannot be placed here). Also, all Forest Shuffle: Dartmoor cards have a thematically appropriate back side, which is different from the back side of a Forest Shuffle card.
And as much as we would like to see healthy diversity in nature - the species on your tables would not approve of the mix in the wild!
First of all, the bog cards require a different approach (= big and small game avoids the bog, so cannot be placed here). Also, all Forest Shuffle: Dartmoor cards have a thematically appropriate back side, which is different from the back side of a Forest Shuffle card.
And as much as we would like to see healthy diversity in nature - the species on your tables would not approve of the mix in the wild!